Mission statement
Cantanhez Chimpanzee Project comprises a group of scientists striving to understand and conserve biodiversity in Cantanhez National Park.
We adopt a landscape level, interdisciplinary approach to understanding human-wildlife coexistence to develop evidence-based solutions to conservation
Cantanhez Chimpanzee Project
Much of our work to date has focused on the national flagship species, the Critically Endangered western chimpanzee, and other nonhuman primates, and understanding how they share the landscape with people.
Cantanhez National Park is situated in the southern part of Guinea-Bissau, bordering Guinea-Conakry
Cantanhez National Park
Cantanhez National Park is characterised by coastal sub-humid forest, intermixed with mangroves, savannah and agricultural, such as shifting cultivation, cashew and mangrove swamp rice
Some of the primate species present
- Western chimpanzee
- Red colobus
- King colobus
- Guinea baboon
- Campbell's monkey
- Green monkey
Our team is dedicated to conserving biodiversity in landscapes shared by people and wildlife
Our team
Our team works in collaboration with the Institute of Biodiversity and Protected Areas (IBAP)