Cantantez Chimpazee Project members in bold
- Houldcroft, A., Lindgren, F., Sanhá, A., Jaló, M., Regalla de Barros, A., Hockings, K.J. and Bersacola, E., 2024, Joint spatial modeling of cluster size and density for a heavily hunted primate persisting in a heterogeneous landscape. Ecography e07399.
- Houldcroft, A., Lindgren, F., Sanhá, A., Jaló, M., Regalla de Barros, A., Hockings, K., and Bersacola, E., 2024. Data from: Joint spatial modeling of cluster size and density for a heavily hunted primate persisting in a heterogeneous landscape [Dataset]. Dryad.
- Eppley TM, Reuter KE…..Hockings KJ (+169 co-authors)….Wright PC, Mittermeier RA. 2024. Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment. Conservation Letters, p.e13007.
- Bersacola, E. and Hockings K.J., 2023. Action plan for the conservation of medium- and large-mammals in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau (2024-2034). Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Áreas Protegidas. Bissau: Guinea-Bissau.
- Bersacola, E., Hockings, K.J., Harrison, M.E., Imron, M.A., Bessa, J., Ramon, M., Regalla de Barros, A., Jaló, M., Sanhá, A., Ruiz-Miranda, C.R. and Ferraz, L.P., 2023. Primate conservation in shared landscapes. In Primates in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Exploring Primate Behavioural Flexibility Across Human Contexts (pp. 161-181). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Ramon, M., McLennan, M.R., Ruiz-Miranda, C.R., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., Bessa, J., Bersacola, E., Sanhá, A., Jaló, M., Barros, A.R.D., Leendertz, F.H. and Hockings, K.J., 2023. Infectious diseases in primates in human-impacted landscapes. In Primates in anthropogenic landscapes: Exploring primate behavioural flexibility across human contexts (pp. 139-160). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Bersacola, E., Hill, C.M., Nijman, V. and .Hockings, K.J. Examining primate community occurrence patterns in agroforest landscapes using arboreal and terrestrial camera traps, 2022. Landscape Ecology, 37, pp. 3103–3121.
- Nuno, A., Chesney, C., Wellbelove, M., Bersacola, E., Kalema‐Zikusoka, G., Leendertz, F., Webber, A.D. and Hockings, K.J., 2022. Protecting great apes from disease: Compliance with measures to reduce anthroponotic disease transmission. People and Nature, 4(5), pp.1387-1400.
- Bessa, J., Biro, D. and Hockings, K., 2022. Inter-community behavioural variation confirmed through indirect methods in four neighbouring chimpanzee communities in Cantanhez NP, Guinea-Bissau. Royal Society Open Science, 9(2), p.211518.
- Chesney, C. and Hockings, K.J., 2021. Protect great apes from disease: Freely available education materials for research and tourism. African Primates, 15, pp.47-50.
- Hockings, K.J., Mubemba, B., Avanzi, C., Pleh, K., Düx, A., Bersacola, E., Bessa, J., Ramon, M., Metzger, S., Patrono, L.V., Jaffe, J.E., Benjak, A., Bonneaud, C., Busso, P., Couacy-Hymann, E., Gado, M., Gagneux, S., Johnson, R.C., Kodio, M., Lynton-Jenkins, J., Morozova, I., Mätz-Rensing, K., Regalla, A., Said, A.R., Schuenemann, V.J., Sow, S.O., Spencer, J.S, Ulrich, M., Zoubi, H., Cole, S.T., Witting, R.M., Calvignac-Spencer, S. and Leendertz, F.H.,, 2021. Leprosy in wild chimpanzees. Nature, 598(7882), pp.652-656.
- Bersacola, E., Parathian, H., Frazão-Moreira, A., Jaló, M., Sanhá, A., Regalla, A., Saíd, A.R., Quecuta, Q., Camará, S.T., Quade, S.M.F.F., Jaquite, S.M., Lopes, A.G., Patrono, L.V., Ramon, M., Bessa, J., Godley, B.J., Bonneaud, C., Leendertz, F.H. and Hockings, K.J., 2021. Developing an evidence-based coexistence strategy to promote human and wildlife health in a biodiverse agroforest landscape. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, p.735367.
- Bersacola, E., Hill, C.M. and Hockings, K.J., 2021. Chimpanzees balance resources and risk in an anthropogenic landscape of fear. Scientific Reports, 11(1), p.4569.
- Bain, M., Nagrani, A., Schofield, D., Berdugo, S., Bessa, J., Owen, J., Hockings, K.J., Matsuzawa, T., Hayashi, M., Biro, D. and Carvalho, S., 2021. Automated audiovisual behavior recognition in wild primates. Science advances, 7(46), p.eabi4883.
- Ferreira da Silva, M.J., Gerini, F., Teixeira, H., Costa, S., Casanova, C., Sá, R., Bersacola, E., Hockings, K.J., Pizzigalli, C., Aleixo-Pais, I., Minhós, T., Bruford, M.W., 2021. Os babuínos da Guiné (Papio papio) na Guiné Bissau: Uma revisão bibliográfica para a conservação da espécie. Sintidus, 4, pp. 75-104.
- Bessa, J., Hockings, K. and Biro, D., 2021. First evidence of chimpanzee extractive tool use in Cantanhez, Guinea-Bissau: Cross-community variation in honey dipping. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, p.625303.
- Hockings, K.J., Parathian, H., Bessa, J. and Frazão-Moreira, A., 2020. Extensive overlap in the selection of wild fruits by chimpanzees and humans: implications for the management of complex social-ecological systems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, p.123.
- Catarino, L., Frazão-Moreira, A., Bessa, J., Parathian, H. and Hockings, K., 2020. Plants used by chimpanzees and humans in Cantanhez, Guinea-Bissau–Field Guide.
- Bersacola, E., Bessa, J., Frazão-Moreira, A., Biro, D., Sousa, C. and Hockings, K.J., 2018. Primate occurrence across a human-impacted landscape in Guinea-Bissau and neighbouring regions in West Africa: using a systematic literature review to highlight the next conservation steps. PeerJ, 6, p.e4847.
- Parathian, H.E., McLennan, M.R., Hill, C.M., Frazão-Moreira, A. and Hockings, K.J., 2018. Breaking through disciplinary barriers: human–wildlife interactions and multispecies ethnography. International Journal of Primatology, 39, pp.749-775.